CCM Vision
Fulfilling dreams and aspirations through education
CCM Mission
The Catholic College of Mandeville is a private Catholic institution of higher education. Through critical pedagogy and a holistic education, we aim to: transform lives; foster dispositions of social justice and integrity; prepare students to influence our global society. We aim to offer rigorous programmes using 21st century teaching and learning techniques as we serve enthusiastic and dedicated students locally and internationally.
CCM Belief Statement
The Catholic College of Mandeville believes:
- that God’s greatest glory is the human person fully alive;
- in the dignity of the human being;
- in giving students a fulfilling career and life opportunities through a holistic approach to education (spiritual, cultural, physical, social and political);
- in providing an education that will broaden global perspectives, foster citizenship, and accentuate the need for life-long learning.
Goals and Objectives of CCM
The Catholic College of Mandeville aims to do the following.
- Develop a Christian community rooted in the Gospel message and respecting the beliefs of others;
- Provide and encourage an atmosphere of justice and peace through mutual respect of all people and of our earth;
- Offer multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary professional learning programmes to facilitate the development of work-ready graduates;
- Maintain high standards for teaching and learning;
- Create an expanded facility and peaceful atmosphere conducive to learning and the pursuit of excellence.
Catholic Identity
In keeping with the Mission Statement and respecting persons of all creeds, the CCM Administration recognizes the need for the college to develop from the perspective of a Catholic philosophy of education. A sub-committee of the Board named the Catholic Identity Sub-committee was established in 2011 to preserve and foster this quality within the everyday operation of the college. Creating a Chair of Theology, setting up a Chaplain’s Office and introducing Catholic Practice within the college at Assemblies. Recently a member of the Passionist Volunteers International (PVI) group has acted as Campus Minister to guide the weekly Assemblies with a Catholic format and flavour yet allowing for cultural and ecumenical expression.